Industry partners have shown a need for a comprehensive approach that can:

• Deliver insights into quality-of-service;

• Overall performance of their applications;

• Beyond the traditional metrics for infrastructure and SRE’s golden signals.

Observability is broken, left to the side, and only looks at traditional metrics. Track what matters. Automatic profiling of deployments, from the USER perspective.

Also, the goals aren’t very directional. For instance:

0% CPU is great for cost, but maybe is horrible for service.

70% RAM doesn’t mean you have right-sized, as the experience could be terrible.

100% CPU doesn’t mean you need to scale to provide better service.

For teams: who want to deliver actual user experience improvement with each new feature, config or infrastructure change; that know that day 2 is long; that want to track user experience in business relevant terms, but don’t want to be invasive in product development.

How to maintain end-user experience quality on cloud-native and legacy environments? Platform agnostic observability and actuation. Shifting operational monitoring from basic signals to service-level control. Going from individual SLI to global SLO to SLA. Achieving autonomous observability and actuation. Increase productivity and response, by letting Ops move from microsservice wrangling to overall service maintenance. Optimizing Cost / QoS tradeoffs. Allows studying and employing distinct strategies to optimize cost-to-revenue ratio and business-level objectives.

• Self-adaptive solution for monitoring and actuation.

• Guarantees service levels autonomically.

• Addresses the gap between monitoring solutions and business needs.

• Active research project with academia and industry.

AESOP delivers insight into business relevant user experience - from average to outliers - for each new deployment.

By providing observability (and MAPE-K) loop tapping into “normal” observability constructs with minimal invasiveness, both for legacy or cloud-native developments. From IIS running on-prem all the way to Service Mesh deployments on EKS.

Unlike New Relic, Sysdig or Datadog (which we integrate with), that are a custom case by case analytics, and don’t transfer with the apps, AESOP is platform agnostic and is actually part of your application deployment. Observability is part of the existing metrics and monitoring tools.

Your users don’t care how much RAM, CPU or Storage they use. They care about what experience you provide. Track that, with AeSOP!
Track what matters. Automatic profiling of deployments, from the USER perspective. Per deployment. No second guessing. From big bang releases to config change of an Ingress Gateway, deployments get measured, Service Levels and availability are analysed.

• Insightful Observability
• Non-invasive Telemetry

Tie in to DevOps metrics. Performance testing for Elite? Testing in Production. DR & BC budgets.

Observability for all. Legacy, Cloud-Native, Serverless. All are welcome with AeSOP. Remember when Continuous Delivery was only for “Websites”? That didn’t age well.

So, is observability only for Cloud or Service Meshes? Maybe only for Containers? This isn’t going to age well either. You don’t need a Service Mesh, Prometheus or any other tools, although…your welcome to bring them along and plug-in any existing solutions to AeSOP.

AeSOP was born out of the belief that modern software development, especially with DevOps cultures, has far outpaced our traditional OPs silos and solutions. We have increased automation, achieving sustained and better controlled speed, but only up until deployment. We have failed to address the “day 2” of operations. We have failed to address the continuous nature of “running a service” and how to ensure the best user experience and “business availability”.


[AHF] António Howcroft Ferreira


t: +351 913 659 039  call to the Portuguese mobile network.